Sunday, September 21, 2008

An Ode to Fall in the Valley

Yes we officially live in the valley, despite my constant use of the word "like" before every declarative sentence I can't figure out why people know automatically when meeting our family that we MUST be from the valley. Not that living in the valley is a bad thing at all, despite the constant settling of pollen from a million trees in the hills surrounding us, or the dust and hay kicked up by the local farmers and their giant tractors constantly creating plumes of who knows what, my kids like to call them "dirt tornados". Aside from pollen, dirt and my red-itchy sandfilled eyes begging me to move to higher, dryer land, I still love where we live. The beautiful countryside is surrounded by green, green and more green, hills of towering douglas fir and grand oak trees, and a quiltlike colored picture of vineyards, pastures and 3rd generation farmland. As September moves in to October there is an golden orange that begins to sweep over the valley, birds are constantly discussing what warm southern place they are going to visit this winter, and the smell in the air is a cool rush of greening grass, wet leaves and a hint of spice. I am NOT a winter girl, in fact I would be happy 24/7 living in a world with the sun and temp. at a nice 85' all the time, but I am quickly learning that I love the crisp freshness that fall brings, and with it I always remember that God created warm apple pie for a reason.

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